
The all-in-one platform solution to optimize your maritime operations


The one-stop platform to enhance your offshore wind operations

Smart SeaMap

Interactive weather- and vessel intelligence map

Our proprietary forecast model with 1km high-resolution

Discover our advanced weather forecast model from Weathernews that redefines wind and wave forecasting around the world up to 72 hours in advance.

Our forecast model stands out for its exceptional 1 km resolution, the highest in the industry. This a significant improvement to conventional models with 5 km resolution.

Our commitment to constant improvement leads us to integrate artificial intelligence and real-time observation data into our models, increasing their forecasting capabilities.

Access high-resolution local models using site-specific data and advanced algorithms, ensuring accurate forecasts of wind speed and direction.

What are the benefits of using ANEMOI for your offshore wind operations?

Enhancing safety with real-time weather insights

In a world where extreme weather events are on the rise due to climate change, protecting your operations and personnel is essential. We provide real-time weather insights tailored to your business’ needs. If conditions exceed operational limits and pose a risk to your team, we highlight these potential dangers, empowering you to avoid risky operations and prioritize safety above all else.

Optimize scheduling for efficient construction

In offshore wind farm construction, efficient scheduling is paramount due to potential delays that can increase costs. In today's challenging economic and political climate, there have been instances where wind park development was deemed financially unviable due to delays. To mitigate these effects and maximize profits, Weathernews offers weather software solutions that provide you with insights on optimal working days.

Elevate organizational excellence with our forecasts

Achieve operational excellence with our weather forecasting models. Gain the clarity and insight you need to make informed decisions, reducing risks, operational challenges and disputes. EMOTION enables you to streamline your operations, ensuring smoother project execution and better collaboration between all parties involved.
Reducing the risk of inaccurate forecasts
Take advantage of Weathernews' advanced weather forecasting to eliminate the risks caused by inaccurate forecasts. Our forecasting model provides accurate, real-time data, reducing the risk of flawed decisions. With accurate weather insights, you'll protect your personnel and assets, avoid unnecessary costs and disputes, prevent delays, and ensure your operations run smoothly, no matter the circumstances.

“Thank you for your great weather forecast during this project we have experienced a lot of unworkable weather and your forecast was always spot on, which allowed us to plan all operations and portcalls efficiently without any extra delay.”

Michael Brouwer

Offshore Construction Manager, Van Oord

“Everything was okay with the service. Quick reactions, despite all changes from us, and forecasts were well within measurements.”

Jaap Jan van Senden

R&D Engineer, Allseas

“Your weather amendment is highly appreciated, we had the time to put the vessel in a safe position, away from the platform.”

Captain Marco Conti

Project Manager, Micoperi

Learn how to streamline your operations with ANEMOI